Technology Roundtable

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Technology Roundtable
Dedicated event with Jeremy Taylor, Head of Product, XTDB
Jeremy Taylor
Head of Product, XTDB
Looking to explore new tech with your team? JUXT wants to take you on a tour through some of the latest open source software innovations that are relevant for you!
In as little as one hour, either virtually or at your offices, let Jeremy get you up-to-speed on new technologies that can and probably will impact your work in your near future.

Learn about recent advances in data and cloud infrastructure

Hear examples from your industry on the impact of new technologies

Compare & contrast the state of the art in off-the-shelf software

Book Your Roundtable Session
By submitting your details you agree to JUXT’s Privacy Policy.
What happens after you submit your details? Usually within 48 business hours, Jeremy will be in touch to talk about the event and secure a date.
A few of our favourite technologies:
Logo of kotlinLogo of icebergLogo of apache-arrowLogo of kafkaLogo of kubernetesLogo of trinoLogo of duckDBLogo of parquetLogo of clickhouse