Jan 05, 2016

Data Macros

Expanding abbreviated data literals

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Malcolm Sparks
CTO & Co-founder

This article is about yet another development pattern that falls out of Prismatic’s Schema library.

Schema coercions can be used to transform abbreviated data into canonical data. This allows you to create short-hands for your data structures. This is analogous to Clojure’s macros where the reader expands short-hand forms into canonical macro-less Clojure which can be more readily evaluated.

This needs an example.

Imagine we have a data structure that contains an action and an access requirement needed to perform the action.

For example, to ensure that :do-something is only available to Bob, we could write:

{:action :do-something
 :allow {:user "bob"}}

We can define a schema for this:

 '[schema.core :as s]
  [schema.coerce :as sc])

(s/defschema AccessRequirement
  {(s/optional-key :user) String
   (s/optional-key :role) String}
  (s/constrained not-empty)))

(s/defschema Actions
 [{:action s/Keyword
   :allow AccessRequirement}])

If we are specifying users a lot, it might become desirable to permit the following short-hand form:

{:action :do-something
 :allow "bob"}

to expand automatically to:

{:action :do-something
 :allow {:user "bob"}}

So if instead of providing the access requirement as a map, we just use a string, we mean that to be a map with the string as the value of the :user entry.

We can define this short-hand as follows:

(def AccessReqMapping
  (fn [x]
    (string? x) {:user x}
    :otherwise x))})

(def access-right-coercer
  (sc/coercer Actions

A coercion mapping is a map between what we want, and a function on what we’ve got. If the function can turn what we’ve got into what we want, it does so and the schema checking continues.

So what is access-right-coercer? It’s a function that checks our input data conforms to the schema. But as it does so it will also expand any short-hands along the way, turning this:

{:action :do-something
 :allow "bob"}

into this:

{:action :do-something
 :allow {:user "bob"}}

Note, that this function will only coerce if it detects a short-hand, so it’s safe to use with an already expanded value. If the value doesn’t conform to the schema, and can’t be made to, an exception is thrown.

If we expand out all the short-hand forms using declarative coercers, we can avoid coding for them later in our data transformation logic. This reduces work, complexity and ultimately bugs.

Just like code macros, data macros scale, recursively! In fact, it’s a technique that’s used extensively in yada to make it easier to author yada’s resource-models.

For example, yada’s syntax for declaring the set of formats a web resource is capable of producing is quite complex. But the short-hand is easy.

So this:

 [{:media-type "text/html"}]}

can be abbreviated to this:

{:produces "text/html"}

Likewise, this:

(require '[])

   (fn [ctx]
    (io/file "me.jpg")}}}

(for resources where the GET response is constant and independent of the request) can be usefully shortened to this:

(require '[])

 {:get (io/file "me.jpg")}}

Just like code macros, data macros are recursive. For example, our upcoming HTTP library yada supports multiple authentication realms, each with multiple schemes. In fact, the code assumes it. However, for the vast majority of cases have a single authentication realm with a single scheme. How can we support the complex case without making the common cases overly verbose? Data Macros to the rescue!

 {:realm "default"
  :scheme "Basic"
  :authenticator X}}

expands into:

    [{:scheme "Basic"
      :authenticator X}]}}}

Unlike code macros, we can compose data macros by merging the coercion mappings. Since functions are the values of these coercion mappings, the only limiting factor is how much of a performance penalty we are willing to spend.

If data literals in Clojure weren’t powerful enough already, imagine what you can with a powerful macro facility.

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