I’ve had a number of questions about uploading libraries to maven and clojars with pack. This is a tutorial on how to go about that.
Generate a pom.xml
Generate a pom.xml using clojure -Spom
You must update this file with coordinates and an appropriate
version. To update your coordinates in the pom.xml, you need to update
the existing groupId
, artifactId
and version
tags to match. This
example is equivalent to {com.acme/anvil {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}}
You should add repository information. This will enable tools like
https://cljdoc.org/ to generate documentation for your library. Put
this inside the <project>
tags and update the links.
Example from cljdoc’s documentation
Install the pack alias
Run this command to add the pack alias to your deps.edn.
$ clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {pack/pack.alpha {:git/url "https://github.com/juxt/pack.alpha.git" :sha "dccf2134bcf03726a9465d2b9997c42e5cd91bff"}}}' -m mach.pack.alpha.inject 'c70740ffc10805f34836da2160fa1899601fac02'
You may want to adjust the formatting afterwards.
Build your JAR
Pack provides a mode named “skinny jar”. This was originally designed for companies who deploy by uploading their classpath separately from their project. But it has a flag to not output the classpath at all, just a jar containing your project files. This separation can be used to create a jar that is suitable for upload to clojars.
$ clojure -A:pack #
mach.pack.alpha.skinny #
--no-libs #
--project-path anvil.jar#
Load the pack alias, which will run the selected pack mode
Select the skinny mode of pack
Don’t output libs
Specify the name of your jar. Here, I selected “anvil.jar”.
Release the JAR
You have 2 options at this point, mvn
or deps-deploy
. mvn
has a
sometimes better story around encryption of credentials, and is well
established. deps-deploy
avoids having to install mvn
, but is still
very new.
You will need to set up your ~/.m2/settings.xml
in order to add
authentication information for your upload destination.
Example settings.xml for Clojars
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
The above example leaves your password in plaintext on your filesystem. I highly recommend utilising maven’s password encryption.
Now you are ready to upload your JAR and pom.xml to upstream using
mvn deploy:deploy-file
Upload to clojars
$ mvn deploy:deploy-file \
-Dfile=anvil.jar #
-DrepositoryId=clojars \
-Durl=https://clojars.org/repo \
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building anvil 0.1.6
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy-file (default-cli) @ anvil ---
Uploading: https://clojars.org/repo/com/acme/anvil/0.1.6/anvil-0.1.6.jar
Uploaded: https://clojars.org/repo/com/acme/anvil/0.1.6/anvil-0.1.6.jar (780 B at 0.3 KB/sec)
Uploading: https://clojars.org/repo/com/acme/anvil/0.1.6/anvil-0.1.6.pom
Uploaded: https://clojars.org/repo/com/acme/anvil/0.1.6/anvil-0.1.6.pom (980 B at 0.4 KB/sec)
Downloading: https://clojars.org/repo/com/acme/anvil/maven-metadata.xml
Downloaded: https://clojars.org/repo/com/acme/anvil/maven-metadata.xml (439 B at 0.8 KB/sec)
Uploading: https://clojars.org/repo/com/acme/anvil/maven-metadata.xml
Uploaded: https://clojars.org/repo/com/acme/anvil/maven-metadata.xml (470 B at 0.2 KB/sec)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 8.475 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-11-18T13:18:06+00:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 12M/317M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Replace this with the name of your jar.
Deps Deploy
slipset has made a wonderful clojure library named deps-deploy.
You can add an alias for it in your deps.edn:
{:pack {…}
:deploy {:extra-deps {deps-deploy {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "deps-deploy.deps-deploy" "deploy" "anvil.jar"]}}
Then you can invoke it:
$ export HISTFILE=/dev/null#
$ CLOJARS_USERNAME=wil_e_coyote CLOJARS_PASSWORD='r04drunn3R$' clojure -A:deploy
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
Deploying com.acme/anvil-0.1.4 to clojars as Smeagol
- This is to disable history from storing your username & password in plaintext.
There’s an example at https://github.com/SevereOverfl0w/super-duper-octo-barnacle. You can update the groupId in the pom.xml and deploy it as a test to your own groupId.