Jan 24, 2022

The new Clojure 'iteration' function

'iteration' has been released in Clojure 1.11

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Renzo Borgatti
Principal Engineer

UPDATE: the original article, based on an alpha release, has been updated to reflect Clojure 1.11 final. It also fixes a bug in the original examples related to the meaning of somef.


The Clojure Core team is hard at work these days and they recently announced a group of interesting changes in the new Clojure 1.11 release which includes the introduction of a new function called iteration. This is the culmination of a few discussions and work starting on the mailing list in 2016 by Kevin Downey (aka “hiredman” on Clojurians Slack and other places). The original thread was posing the problem of dealing with batched API calls, those requiring the consumer a “token” from the previous invocation to be able to proceed to the next. This behavior is very popular in API interfaces such as AWS S3, where the API needs to protect against the case of a client requesting the content of a bucket with millions of objects in it. If clients were allowed such kind of unbounded calls, AWS servers would quickly overload with many long lasting requests transferring megabytes of data over the network. An elegant solution to this problem is to enforce a maximum page-size of 1000 items (for example) and include a token that allows the client to ask the next page of data if they desire to do so. This prevents overloading by segmenting what could be a very long network request into many smaller ones, giving the server an opportunity to throttle requests if required.

Iteration of Clojure sequences

In the past, Clojure developers dealing with paginated APIs have been solving the same problem over and over. The problem is to create some layer that hides away the need of knowing about the presence of pagination and provides the seqable or reducible abstraction we are all familiar with. It is then up to the user of such abstractions to decide if they want to eagerly load many objects or consume them lazily, without any need to know how many requests are necessary or how the pagination mechanism works.

An “iteration” is effectively a stateful abstraction requested by a client over a collection of data. The state consists of a “cursor” or “head position” which indicates the element that will be returned next. The cursor normally starts at some initial position when the iteration is first created. Depending on the iteration type, the cursor might only move forward, or also be allowed to go backward, or it can access the collection at some random position. In the case of Clojure sequences, the iteration has the following features:

  • As the name implies it’s sequential: you cannot access the nth element without first accessing the preceding items.

  • There are no gaps.

  • The iteration can only move forward.

  • It’s immutable.

  • They are usually cached: the first access produces a cached version of that item.

  • Are commonly (but not necessarily) lazy: the next element is produced only if that element is requested.

  • They often apply “chunking” to improve performance (again, not a rule). Chunking consists of processing more elements than actually requested.

In terms of the interface to control the iteration, there are 3 main aspects to consider: fetch the element at the cursor location, move the cursor to a new location and verify if there is an item at the position pointed by the cursor. Any iteration API that provides this level of control can be used to create a pagination layer.

Clojure already provides a function called iterate which could provide a good starting point for our goals. However, the doc string of the function clearly states (not surprisingly) that “f must be free of side-effects”. Thus iterate, like other sequential generators in the standard library, does not guarantee once-only evaluation of the items in the sequence, which could result in an arbitrary number of requests to the backing API server.

There are definitely alternatives to iterate in the standard library and one example is illustrated in the next section. While it is true that the problem can be easily solved, the point is that the same abstraction has been duplicated in many projects and Clojure finally received an authoritative implementation.

Example: iterating paginated objects old style

A typical requirement for many applications is to download objects from Amazon S3. From Clojure you can use the Amazonica library, which wraps Java with a nice idiomatic layer. Amazonica S3 contains a list-objects operation to retrieve the metadata information for the files in an S3 bucket (there is also a v2 version of the same API now, but assuming it works with few or no changes for this example).

list-objects is a paginated request returning 1000 items by default, including a continuation token next-marker to use for the following request. Our goal here is to create a smooth development experience by providing a sequential interface that hides the complexity of the interaction. To help with running the example locally, we are going to stub the S3 list-objects with the following fake list-objects (this is inspired by some similar code in the actual Clojure core tests for iteration):

;; A vector of 100 random numbers
(def results (vec (repeatedly 100 rand)))

(defn page-results
  "Get a subvector from next-marker to the length of page-size
   or till the end of the vector, if page-size is too big."
  [next-items next-marker page-size]
   (min (+ next-marker page-size)
        (count next-items))))

(defn list-objects
  "Stub list-objects call to simulate S3 interaction."
  [& {:keys [bucket-name prefix next-marker]}]
  (let [next-items results
        page-size 12
        total-count (count next-items)
        truncated? (< (+ next-marker page-size) total-count)]
    (when (< next-marker total-count)
      {:truncated? truncated?
       :next-marker (when truncated? (+ next-marker page-size))
       :object-summaries (page-results next-items next-marker page-size)})))

(defn amazonica-s3-listobjects
  "Thin adapter layer to call the actual Amazonica list-object API.
  Bucket and prefix can be anything since they are unused in our local stub.
  This is our entry point into the Amazonica S3 library for this example."
  [bucket prefix]
  (fn [token]
    (list-objects :bucket-name bucket
                  :prefix prefix
                  :next-marker token)))

(-> ((amazonica-s3-listobjects :bucket :prefix) 20)

;; [0.17973186631945426
;;  0.11766342712061384
;;  0.46021361372380454
;;  0.8878281872246385
;;  0.3921644625211754
;;  0.48255337739983273
;;  0.9476269732650608
;;  0.9830267637727138
;;  0.03775653699413373
;;  0.4414217298527927
;;  0.1365124734545088
;;  0.5625448981935451]

amazonica-s3-listobjects creates a small wrapper closure around list-objects to capture the statically assigned :bucket and :prefix as initialization parameter ahead of the proper iteration. Compared to the real Amazonica S3 API call, beside avoiding network calls, there are only minor differences like using a smaller pagination size of 12 to avoid long printouts in our experiments.

We can now move up one layer from the Amazonica library and capture the paginated interaction as a Clojure sequence. The following fetch-summaries function creates a lazy sequence on top of amazonica-s3-listobjects. The idea is for the consumer to process as much summaries as needed but normally not all of them (considering the potential size of the bucket):

(defn fetch-summaries
  "Retrieve object summaries for items in `bucket` at `prefix`."
  ([bucket prefix]
   (fetch-summaries bucket prefix 0))
  ([bucket prefix token]
    (let [{:keys [object-summaries truncated? next-marker]}
          ((amazonica-s3-listobjects :bucket :prefix) token)]
      (if truncated?
        (cons object-summaries (fetch-summaries bucket prefix next-marker))
        (list object-summaries))))))

(->> (fetch-summaries :bucket :prefix 20)
     (sequence cat)
     (take 12)

;; (0.17973186631945426
;;  0.11766342712061384
;;  0.46021361372380454
;;  0.8878281872246385
;;  0.3921644625211754
;;  0.48255337739983273
;;  0.9476269732650608
;;  0.9830267637727138
;;  0.03775653699413373
;;  0.4414217298527927
;;  0.1365124734545088
;;  0.5625448981935451)

*Note*: a clarification on terminology. :truncated? is true if there are more results available (e.g. results were truncated and there are more). When the last pagination of results returns, then truncated? becomes false (e.g. there was no truncation required to return the results).

The function fetch-summaries contains the usual lazy-seq pattern for sequential generation. It also handles the details of the Amazonica S3 library contract: the token is called :next-marker, the results are contained in a map and we know when there are more items by checking the :truncated? flag recursively. In the next section, we are going to see how we could write the same functionality based on the new iteration function.

Example: iterating paginated objects using the new function

The new iteration function distills the essence of fetch-summaries by providing all the relevant ingredients. It takes the following 5 input arguments, the first of which is the only mandatory one. The parameters defaults implement the common situation of paginated results returned as a plain sequence. In our example, we need to tweak such parameters to work with the map and keys returned by the S3 Amazonica API. Here’s each parameter in detail:

  • step is a function of the next marker token. This function should contain the logic for making a request to the S3 API (or other relevant paginated API) passing the given token. The step function is expected to return the items produced by the iteration, including a way to tell if there are more items and the next token. step could be side-effecting. In our case, (amazonica-s3-listobjects :bucket :prefix) returns exactly the step function.

  • somef is a function that applied to the return of (step token) returns true or false based on the fact that the request contains results or not, respectively. It defaults to some?, the actual function in the standard library. In our case we are going to use Amazonica S3 :object-summaries key to answer the question.

  • vf is a function that applied to the return of (step token) returns the items from the current response page. It defaults to identity, so we are using :object-summaries again in our case because this is where the results are available.

  • The token function kf is applied to the return of (step token) and should return the next marker token if one is available. This also defaults to identity. In our case we can use :next-marker.

  • An initial value for the marker initk. It defaults to nil, but we need this to be 0 in our example.

Here’s a replacement for fetch-summaries called fetch-summaries2 based on iteration and the same example we’ve seen so far to paginate starting from :next-token equals 20 and taking the first 12 items. Please note that you would need to use Clojure master branch (or 1.11.0-beta1, as soon as it is out officially, see Sean Corfield’s fully complete deps.edn file for an idea on how to do this with deps.edn):

(defn fetch-summaries2
  "New fetch summaries using iteration."
  ([bucket prefix]
   (fetch-summaries2 bucket prefix 0))
  ([bucket prefix token]
   (iteration (amazonica-s3-listobjects bucket prefix)
              :kf :next-marker
              :vf :object-summaries
              :initk token
              :somef :object-summaries)))

(->> (fetch-summaries2 :bucket :prefix 20)
     (sequence cat)
     (take 12)

;; (0.17973186631945426
;;  0.11766342712061384
;;  0.46021361372380454
;;  0.8878281872246385
;;  0.3921644625211754
;;  0.48255337739983273
;;  0.9476269732650608
;;  0.9830267637727138
;;  0.03775653699413373
;;  0.4414217298527927
;;  0.1365124734545088
;;  0.5625448981935451)

The body of fetch-summaries2 is now reduced to a call to iteration and nothing else! We can now say that iteration has properly captured the level of abstraction required for this use case.


Laziness is a useful property to have when calling potentially expensive network calls. The fact that the API supports pagination doesn’t change the assumption that we’d like to be able to consume as many items as we need but not necessarily all of them, in particular when talking about a large S3 bucket. We normally have two ways to go about stopping paginating: one is using lazy sequential processing the other is using halt-when to stop reducing over the results. In this section we are going to illustrate laziness for iteration and in the next how to reduce over an iteration.

To help us understand laziness, we are going to add a simple println to the list-objects function:

(defn list-objects
  "Same as previous list-objects definition with an added println."
  [& {:keys [bucket-name prefix next-marker]}]
  (let [next-items results
        page-size 12
        total-count (count next-items)
        truncated? (< (+ next-marker page-size) total-count)]
    (println "### requested page at index" next-marker)       ;; Printing added here
    (when (< next-marker total-count)
      {:truncated? truncated?
       :next-marker (when truncated? (+ next-marker page-size))
       :object-summaries (page-results next-items next-marker page-size)})))

With this change, we can for observe which page is being requested, for example:

(let [results (take 10 (sequence cat (fetch-summaries :bucket :prefix)))]
  (last results))

;; ### requested page at index 0
;; ### requested page at index 12
;; ### requested page at index 24
;; 0.3722320250734412

;; fetch-summaries2 prints the same
(let [results (take 10 (sequence cat (fetch-summaries2 :bucket :prefix)))]
  (last results))

;; ### requested page at index 0
;; ### requested page at index 12
;; ### requested page at index 24
;; 0.3722320250734412

What is going on here? The results of calling fetch-summaries (on both versions of fetch-summaries) are batched items as a collection of collections. In general, we need to collapse the batches into a single sequence and process them one by one, like we did in the example above.

Surprisingly, accessing the item in 10th position from the first page produces 2 additional network calls for pages well ahead of what we currently need. This is an effect of using the cat transducer with sequence which produces chunking that we can’t easily control. Be aware that using ((mapcat identity) would be even worse making additional requests (mapcat always evaluate the first 4 arguments)!

The reader should understand that this is not a problem of iteration itself, but more about the need to concatenate the results back for processing maintaining laziness in place. We can use the following trick to solve the problem:

(defn lazy-concat
  "A concat version that is completely lazy and
  does not require to use apply."
    (when-first [c colls]
      (lazy-cat c (lazy-concat (rest colls))))))

;; Comparing both versions of fetch-summaries at the same time
(let [results (take 10 (lazy-concat (fetch-summaries :bucket :prefix)))
      results2 (take 10 (lazy-concat (fetch-summaries2 :bucket :prefix)))]
  (last results)
  (last results2)

;; Look, no extra calls now!
;; ### requested page at index 0
;; ### requested page at index 0

Instead of using (sequence cat), the solution is to use lazy-concat, a function that concatenates a collection of collections in the laziest possible way. However, you need to remember to avoid using sequence with transducers for processing items even after the initial concatenation, because as soon as you do, chunking will hunt you down:

(let [results (lazy-concat (fetch-summaries :bucket :prefix))]
  (last (take 10 (sequence (map str) results))))  ;; transforming the items into strings
;; ### requested page at index 0
;; ### requested page at index 12
;; ### requested page at index 24
;; "0.3722320250734412"

The take-away from this section is that it requires care to achieve perfect laziness and make just the right number of API requests. It would probably be nice if iteration could be configured in respect of collapsing intermediate paginations into a flat sequence, removing this responsibility from the consuming side, since it is frequently a desired behavior.

Reducing the iteration

No need to care about laziness if you are happy to consume all items! iteration is “reducible” and will perform well with transduce or into:

(first (into [] (comp cat (map str)) (fetch-summaries2 :bucket :prefix)))

;; ### requested page at index 0
;; ### requested page at index 12
;; ### requested page at index 24
;; ### requested page at index 36
;; ### requested page at index 48
;; ### requested page at index 60
;; ### requested page at index 72
;; ### requested page at index 84
;; ### requested page at index 96
;; "0.09253984163327167"

We can see that we are consuming the entire sequence to access the first item, paginating back and forth from the server as many times as needed. We have an option to stop the reduction using halt-when assuming we know at which item to stop. Assuming we don’t know about the existence of take, here’s how to stop after pulling 30 items from the API and sum them up:

 (comp cat                            ;; concat pagination
       (map-indexed vector)           ;; create pairs index-item
       (halt-when (comp #{30} first)  ;; stop when index=30
                  (fn [acc itm] acc)) ;; return acc so far
       (map last))                    ;; just the items
 (completing conj #(reduce + %))      ;; sum up items on exit
 (fetch-summaries2 :bucket :prefix))

;; ### requested page at index 0
;; ### requested page at index 12
;; ### requested page at index 24
;; 17.981921138476928

By using halt-when or take we are able to only request the amount of items we need. This produces similar effects to laziness, but it requires a precise notion about when to stop that might not be trivial for certain use cases.


iteration is a new function that was added to the standard library in Clojure 1.11. iteration adds a new style of iteration along with others already present which takes into account the need for pagination and side-effecting requests. It should be immediately useful for all paginated API interactions requiring a continuation token to get the next page of results. It contains enough knobs to adapt to any kind of paginated API, not just the one presented in this article.

If you currently rely on a lazy version of such API interaction, you need to pay attention at concatenating results back from iteration because that’s the only kind of output it provides. If you are happy to always consume all items from the API response, then iteration can be used as a drop-in replacement for your previous custom solution.


  • Official Jira ticket

  • The core team discusses several tickets, including iteration.

  • Rich Hickey’s Gist with final version of the function.

  • Original Ghadi Shayban’s Gist showing some preliminary idea about how to interact with a paginating API (2016)

  • Original mailing list post that started the work (2016).

  • A deeper explanation for many of the functions presented here is available on Clojure: The Essential Reference by the same author of this post.

  • This thread on Clojurians Slack raised a bug present in the article when requesting the last page of the results.

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