Lazy Sequences
Lazy Sequences are great for exploring a problem space. However you hit a few snags as data volumes ramp up:
It is all too easy to create head retention
leading to an Out Of Memory Error
Each lazy sequence maintains its own header tank of chunked data
which can add up to alot of memory in a long pipeline
Difficult to release resources predictably
For system resources like Files, there is no reliable way to release resources that are lazily crawled
Exception are deferred to The Future
Any latent exceptions will be exposed in a lazy manner; meaning you could have to handle an exception when you are least expecting it, or have the Virtual Machine quietly end that thread.
Awkward to interrupt processing
if you want to abort processing 2% of the way through a 1’000’000’000 element sequence you may find that it takes a surprisingly long time to finish and return control.
Enter reducible
A reducible is a neat way to avoid these problems.
A reducible is a direct reify
of clojure.lang.IReduceInit
that conceals a loop/recur
behind a reduce
friendly facade.
It runs eagerly and can plug into reduce/transduce/into
avoiding problems described above.
Consider IReduceInit
because this is the more general purpose of the two.
It is defined in as
public interface IReduceInit {
Object reduce(IFn f, Object start);
this reduce
method will get called by clojure.core/reduce
A general implementation might look like
(defn iterator-reducible
"expresses an iterator through the medium of IReduceInit if first-val is nil it will be ignored"
[first-val ^java.util.Iterator it]
(reify IReduceInit
(reduce [this f init ]
(loop [acc (if first-val (f init first-val) init) ]
(if (or (reduced? acc)
(not (.hasNext it)))
(unreduced acc)
(recur (f acc (.next it))))))))
It’s a plain old loop/recur
. We invoke the
reducing function f
to handle a value . We always check the
accumulator for the reduced
short circuit. This supports
early-termination constructs like (take 2
The iterator may go on for
ever, so we need a way to break out of the loop. . the first parameter
to the reduce function is the Java this
reference, it typically does
not carry any value her and is usually ignored.
You use reducibles directly with
(into [] (take 10) (iterator-reducible :starting-value (.iterator (range))))
=> [:starting-value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]
You CANNOT plug them into sequence
(sequence (take 10) (iterator-reducible :starting-value (.iterator (range))))
IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from: dev$iterator_reducible$reify__54612 clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom (
although you can of course (into '()
It gets useful when
using system resources; for example if we need to crawl zip files but have to make sure that the file resources get released immediately after use, then we can write
(defn zipfile-reducible
"expects to be passed a .zip or .jar file
crawls through the file, presenting entries to the reducing function
ensures the file is closed afterwards"
(reify IReduceInit
(reduce [this f init]
(with-open [is ( zf)
zis (ZipInputStream. is)]
(loop [acc init]
(let [next-entry (.getNextEntry zis)]
(if (and (some? next-entry)
(not (reduced? acc)))
(recur (f acc (assoc (bean next-entry)
:input-stream zis)))
(unreduced acc)))
and we can experiment with
(into []
(comp (drop 10) (take 1))
(jio/file (System/getProperty "java.home") "lib/charsets.jar")))
to take this further, we can then crawl every zip entry in every
.jar file in /usr/lib/jvm
like this
(defn preserving-reduced
"copy-and-pasted from clojure.core, which declares it as private"
#(let [ret (rf %1 %2)]
(if (reduced? ret)
(reduced ret)
(defn chaining-reducible
"like concat but for reducibles
takes a coll of colls.
Returns reducible that chains call to reduce over each coll"
(reify IReduceInit
(reduce [_ f init]
(let [prf (preserving-reduced f)]
(reduce (partial reduce prf)
(defn iszipped-suffix?
[^File f]
(let [n (.getName f)]
(some #(string/ends-with? n %)
#{".jar" ".zip"})))
(time (reduce
(fn [acc _] (inc acc))
(map zipfile-reducible
(filter iszipped-suffix?
(file-seq (.getParentFile (.getParentFile (jio/file (System/getProperty "java.home"))))))))))
"Elapsed time: 16922.336304 msecs"
=> 367051
Note that we are using lazy sequences of zipfile reducibles; If this created a problem, there is scope for turning this into a reducible too
Careful of those arities
The 2 argument
will only ever useclojure.lang.IReduce
Everything else uses
BOTH arities of
(reduce + (iterator-reducible nil (.iterator (range 10))))
ClassCastException dev$iterator_reducible$reify__54612 cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IReduce clojure.core.protocols/fn--7831 (protocols.clj:75)
will throw you a ClassCastException
(transduce identity + (iterator-reducible nil (.iterator (range 10))))
=> 45
We could of course extend the iterator-reducible
definition to support
this but in practice I find the 2 argument form of reduce
to be little
If you have large volumes of data to process, it is worth considering whether reducibles can get you better performance with lower system resource usage.