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Aug 28, 2024

"Safari" Engineering Session: Git Plumbing - Video

Watch this talk to gain an understanding of how git works — hopefully giving you an "under the hood" look at what is going on when you issue git commands

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Matt Ford
Senior Software Engineer

This talk is about understanding how git works beneath the surface - hopefully going deep enough so that you have some idea what is going on when issuing your day-to-day git commands. Armed with this knowledge, there should be no need to panic at a detached head and wiping a directory and re-cloning will hopefully be a thing of the past.

Content (blobs), Trees, the Index, Commits and Refs are all explained along with the benefits of the Git design. Worked examples are attempted (mostly successfully) to show exactly what’s going on. The first video explains the concepts whereas the second video recaps them and applies them to everyday Git tasks. Much of the diagrams and learnings are taken from the excellent Pro Git book by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub.

Git Plumbing pt.1

Git Plumbing pt.2

Access Matt’s slides here.

Happy listening!

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