Mar 12, 2019

Multithreading within a transducer

Parallelising transducers

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Ben Hammond
Senior Software Engineer

pmap (parallelising map) is a clojure function that parallelises computation of the function against the inputs.

It is very easy to use; just change map to pmap and you are done.

But pmap does not work in a transducer; Why is this, and can we write an equivalent?

What does pmap do anyway?

If you call source pmap you will see that it:

  1. uses map to lazily construct future s of the passed function call

  2. returns a lazy sequence that deref s these futures

  3. launches the first (availableProcessors +2) futures immediately (but see next item)

  4. Note that it is subject to chunking. The first 32 futures will automatically be realized, which could result in wasted computation.

What if I just put futures into my transducer?

You absolutely can do this! There are just two downsides:

  1. You will end up with a bunch of futures in your reducing function, which is not quite the easy-to-use thing offered by pmap

  2. You only indirectly control the parallelisation (by the speed that your reducing function runs)

How about if I deref the futures inline?

This will get you the data you need, but will immediately remove any parallelisation

How about if I put a lag between the future and the deref?

Now you’re talking!

If we make the transducer run on 6 item lag, we can have exactly 6 futures in flight at any time.

All we have to do is to write a bit of code to create a lag. We can recruit clojure.lang.PersistentQueue to do this for us:

(defn build-lagging-transducer
  "creates a transducer that will always run n items behind.
   this is convenient if the pipeline contains futures, which you
   want to start deref-ing only when a certain number are in flight"
  (fn [rf]
    (let [qv (volatile! PersistentQueue/EMPTY)]
        ([] (rf))
        ([acc] (reduce rf acc @qv))
        ([acc v]
         (vswap! qv conj v)
         (if (< (count @qv) n)
           (let [h (peek @qv)]
             (vswap! qv pop)
             (rf acc h))))))))

And we can use this to write the transducer generating function:

(defn parallelising-map
  (let [n (+ 2 (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors))]
    (comp (map #(fn [] (f %)))
          (map future-call)
          (build-lagging-transducer n)
          (map deref))))

Show me

Lets define a function that we wish to multithread. Something that goes to sleep randomly:

(defn sleepy-fn
  [counter v]
  (let [ts (+ 500 (rand-int 500))]
    (println (str "starting " v))
    (Thread/sleep ts)
    (println (str "completed " v))
    [(swap! counter inc) v ts]))

And now lets try parallelising-map:

(let [counter (atom 0)]
  (into []
   (parallelising-map #(sleepy-fn counter %))
   (range 64)))

Note that this only works efficiently when tasks take similiar lengths of time!

If quick tasks are stuck behind a long task, they will be held up. This is a fundamental consequence of the linear nature of transducers

What if I used an Executors/FixedThreadPool?

Well you could write something like:

(let [counter (atom 0)
      n (+ 2 (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors))
      ^ExecutorService exec (Executors/newFixedThreadPool n)]
   (comp (map #(fn [] (sleepy-fn counter %)))
         (map #(.submit exec %)))
   (completing conj #(map deref %))
   (range 64)))

But it doesn’t avoid the fundamental problem that if we want the results of sleepy-fn in order, then we are going to have to wait for them.

In Summary

The parallelising-map function described here works as a transducer friendly equivalent to pmap whilst avoiding issues potentially caused by chunking.

clojure.lang.PersistentQueue is not particularly well documented, but is the easiest way to introduce a queuing data structure into your programs.

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